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Great work 😁

Thank you

Great job with the game and getting to the alpha release. I bought the game and had a few feedback ideas to share.

The overall look and feel is great. I love the graphics, asset design and music. It has a nice lite adventure feeling. 

It feels like the game needs more a goal. I didn't get the sense of reward of completing a level or making it to the goal. 

Is there a difference between the various terrain types? They look great and I love the hex design. Do they have any significance? 

The turn based movement didn't seem to add much. Is the idea that the NPCs will move around with some AI eventually? 

I'd love the ability to to shoot the NPCs from a distance, maybe by throwing some slime at them and loosing some health? 

It would be amazing to split the slime in two and play multiple slimes / fight as a team then merge them back together. 

Gaining health from winning a fight would be nice. 

Again, great job! It's got real potential.

(2 edits)

Thank you for the feedback it is much appreciated.

A little bit of reward should be visible in the next release. But I'm still working on this.

Terrain types give you abilities to do different attacks which some enemies might be weak against

Moving enemies, it is somewhat planned

The healing is based only on the items the player finds in the treasure chests

Really fun game! I made a few notes, sorry if you're already working on them, I realise it's an alpha!

Playing on Linux with integrated Radeon GPU:

* Would be cool to have a video on page; or maybe more gifs; you have lots of cool animations that deserve to be shown off

* Not sure how to use/equip items. Might have missed this in the tutorial though.

* Cool chest open animation!

* Not sure how the number on the element types effects battle. I worked out that it's the surrounding number of the elements that handles the distribution between each though.

* Not sure how to work out which elements have the best effect in battle, though maybe that's intentional like a rogue-like? Maybe if when attacking there was some visual indicator if there is a weak/normal/strong effect at least.

* Half second pause before each attack (on rocks, monters and boulders) and after before explosion shows, this was the biggest issue I think.

Thank you!

And thank you for the notes.
I'll see what I can do to make menus and attacks more user friendly.

The last one happens, because the game is not optimized yet
sorry about that (*_ _)人

Nice tiny game! I love the art direction and gameplay! But I didn't understand how to use items in the inventory. So I died at level 2, killed by a spider xD

Thank you. Hopefully, there is going to be a new version with a little tutorial soon